I tested positive for Covid in December 2020. I thankfully did not have to go to hospital even though paramedics visited twice. To date, I still suffer from fatigue and breathlessness. I get breathless walking the shortest of distances, even to my car parked on the road outside my house. To support HOPE Worldwide, I’m going to push myself to do at least 5 miles of walking a day for the remainder of the month.
I am doing this sponsored event for HOPE worldwide so they can help people who are homeless to find housing, and those battling addiction to transform their lives.
HOPE worldwide (Two Step) helps over 200 people a year to find suitable accommodation, so that they can avoid the downward spiral that is often the result of living on the streets, and move on with their lives.
ODAAT is a specialised programme of HOPE worldwide that is like a family - providing a supportive environment so people can deal with the root causes of their addiction and reach their potential.
Homelessness and addiction destroy lives and affect us all - alcohol and homelessness cost our country £billions and drug addiction can lead to crime and violence to fund the habit.
The work of HOPE worldwide brings hope - people are empowered and equipped to make positive changes in their lives so that everyone benefits.Thank you for considering sponsoring me so that HOPE worldwide can help more people.