Hey everyone, I've created this page because I want to make a difference. I'm inspired by the work of The Umbrella Foundation and want to support them by raising money. On March 14th 2020 I will compete in Brawl for Nepal, a white-collar boxing event and so, I will be training like an animal for the next few weeks...
If you are interested in watching me in action here is all the information for the fight night:
Tickets are €20 and can be bought off myself directly
or at
The Umbrella Foundation is working to alleviate the impact of trafficking, poverty, and war on children and their families in Nepal. The much needs funds raised through this event will ensure the continued, high-quality support of all children under Umbrellas care, enabling them to complete their education and become happy and contributing members of society.
Please help me by giving whatever you can using the 'Donate' button. The more people that know about this, the greater the impact, so please also spread the word by sharing my page with friends and family! Thank you so much for your support! Follow my journey at: and on Instagram @BrawlforNepal