Did you know? Type 1 diabetes affects 5 times as many Tasmanian children as cancer. The cause of type 1 diabetes remains a mystery, with no known cure. You cannot prevent type 1 diabetes and once diagnosed you will live with it 24/7 for the rest of your life - requiring daily insulin, making up to 180 extra decisions a day about diabetes management, monitoring blood glucose levels and the lost goes on.
This years' Schools Triathlon Challenge is challenging every participant to not only do their best and have fun, but to also help our Tasmanian children living with type 1 diabetes. Funds raised will go towards Diabetes Tasmania's youth program, which includes diabetes camps: there are 5 run through out the year from birth right through to young adults, helping every child transition through childhood, into the teen years and onto becoming a more independent young adult. Helping them to become more confident in self managing their diabetes.
Thanks for your support!