People of Worcestershire -
Please help us to care for those who care for us in our hospitals.
We are a year into the pandemic. And our NHS still needs us! It was tough in 2020 for our NHS frontline staff, working under very challenging conditions. Twelve months later and the workload is relentless and staff are now completely exhausted. Many are suffering PTSD from the trauma of the COVID wards and they have little time to pause and rest and consider their own wellbeing.
Please give what you can to boost the morale and health of the staff. They work tirelessly and without judgement, caring for our loved ones and showering them with compassion that we are unable to give because we are unable to visit them.
£30 would buy a care package for a small staff team, including:
- hand cream - to nourish those poor, chapped hands being washed endlessly during a shift;
- fresh fruit - to boost vitamin intake and provide food-on-the-go and
- individually wrapped biscuits to boost energy levels.
We managed to raise £10,000 in 29 days last year in our first fundraising campaign. May our money count for more than the clapping - and let's do it again and take our total to £20,000!
Please like and share on FB @WelfareForHealtchare and on Twitter @W_For_H and let's make this happen together.
Thank you so much for your support! We can do it!
Find joy in the small things and stay safe
H-J Colston-Inge
Founder - Welfare for Healthcare