Thank you for taking the time to support our medical team taking part in Project Harar's complex surgical mission this year. I was fortunate to be involved in last year's successful complex mission and hope this year will be even better.
From the beginning of June I will be volunteering 4 weeks of my annual leave to be part of a medical team which will treat and care for children, women and men in Ethiopia with severe facial conditions. Children and young people with facial conditions are at risk of social exclusion, stunting and malnutrition. By giving them access to treatment, we increase their life chances and create opportunities.
We work side by side with Ethiopian staff and local services in Addis Ababa to help bring back our patients smiles and create opportunities so they can live their lives to their full potential. Your support will enable us to travel to Addis Ababa and be part of a team that helps to transform peoples lives.
I received immense support from family and friends last year and I hope over the course of the year I have been able to show you what Project Harar accomplished. We are all incredibly grateful for your continual support again this year.
Please visit Project Harar - and see how the team got on in last year's mission and previously: