Walking 26.2 miles to raise money for Cancer Research seems a perfectly logical thing to do!
We're all affected by cancer through family or friends and I really want to do my part to raise some money for all cancer charities... I've walked the Great Wall of China (3 times!... for about an hour each time... and obviously not the whole of it!) so how hard can walking 26.2 miles be!
Vicki Rogers and I will be walking together and as many of you know the both of us please don't feel obliged to sponsor us both... we'll be setting up a team page so all our donations will be grouped together.
As an added incentive at the 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th mile and at the finish line I shall be doing a little dance to celebrate the milestones! Feel free (once you've donated!) to send me suggestions of songs you would like to see me "bust a groove" to. Vic Rogers will be filming and uploading to FB during the walk so I have to stick to this promise...
Please help us raise funds for some great charities.
Thank you in advance. Vicki R (Rich) XXX