As most of you know (I harp on about it enough) I spent some time with the most amazing charity, Snehalaya, in India. It's cheesy, but true, that the people I met and especially the children will always be in my heart.
They don't just help to fight AIDS and to end human trafficking (like that's not enough) but run an adoption centre, hospital and programmes to support a whole community. Have a look at their website to find out more:
Anyone who knows me knows that I hate running (ugh) but I love my India kids more and wanted to do a little something to help support them (and that I'd rope my poor unsuspecting sister in too)
So! The Barber sisters for one day only will join forces and battle colour bombs, rough terrain (ha - it's at Harewood House) and the great British weather to get through a gruelling 5K run. Please sponsor us and help to support some amazing charities :)