Val 's Care for Our Caregivers
Fundraising for Marshfield Clinic Health System (MCHS) Foundation
Fundraising for Marshfield Clinic Health System (MCHS) Foundation
Today, you are at staying home to protect the people that matter most to you. These people could be battling cancer, sick and injured kids, elderly or facing financial hardship. While the best thing you can do is to social distance, the best thing we can do is serve those patients and families. Our doctors, nurses and staff are working tirelessly to protect and care for those you love most. They will, and are, caring for the most critical patients affected by COVID-19. Help them feel supported. Help them feel appreciated. Help us care for our caregivers.
When you support the Care for our Caregivers Initiative, you provide meals, comfort items, resources and other support for employees throughout the Health System during this time of need. A donation of $10 can provide a coffee gift card for a nurse looking for energy during these long hours. $50 could provide breakfast to a team in the Intensive Care Unit who spent all night in the hospital.
* Charities pay a small fee for our service. Find out how much it is and what we do for it.
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