What started as a bet developing into a dare, before
eventually becoming a joke; back into 2016 I embarked on a journey growing my hair. For those that I have met over the last few years, I was previously
commonly known for being particular about the appearance of my hair, in my peak going to the extent of booking weekly haircuts on my lunch break (Slightly excessive maybe).
It’s been a funny old journey with a bunch of hairstyles on the way (couple of fashion disasters too, not going to lie); but over time I have come to embrace having longer hair and in turn it has become a distinguishing part of me and my character.
Even occasionally getting mistaken for footballers (True
Fast forward to 2020 the journey is soon to conclude in the name of charity, none worthier than Leeds Mencap.
I promised myself this year I wanted to raise money for charity as I felt it was necessary to give back to the community. When the Transition Partners team decided that Leeds Mencap would be our charity of the year, I was really excited at the opportunity to support such an amazing charity.
Having had the benefit of an upbringing within a family of teachers, I have been fortunate to be surrounded by an abundance of support.
This led to me excelling academically and being able to forge a clear career path. When commended on my knowledge I will never neglect this is largely down to the support I received and I feel that every child and adult should receive the same.
Leeds Mencap is a completely independent, local charity created for the people of Leeds with learning disabilities. They provide tailored support to all individuals within a family ensuring they are able to maintain a healthy, happy quality of life.
Come Friday 14th February (the day of Love for some), I will be showing that my love for this charity is greater than it is for my hair and braving the chop.I will be posting a Live video to ensure you all this not a hoax and any money raised will go directly to the charity to assist with them providing help to more families.
Any contribution big or small towards such a hard working charity is much appreciated and I thank you all in advance for your kind donations!
Yours truly,
PS. When you see me with short hair, PLLLEEAAASE no pointing and laughing lol.