The past few years have been a huge challenge for me and my family. I don't know what I would be without their love and support and the kindness of friends.
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, but most men with early prostate cancer have no symptoms. I was fortunate to discover mine in the early stages in 2018. As the cancer was very low grade I was put on an active surveillance program, and it was perfectly possible to live a normal active and healthy life with this cancer while it wasn’t spreading.
A routine scan late in 2019 delivered the dreaded news that the cancer had accelerated. I was informed I would need a new biopsy and then… lockdown hit us. I eventually had my biopsy in late 2020 and was told the cancer had spread and needed urgent treatment. The amazing team at GenesisCare in Southampton gave me daily radiotherapy treatment over a period of 7½ weeks. This treatment left me weak and exhausted, but it was curative and all signs now indicate that the cancer has been eliminated. Radiotherapy over, I still have to continue hormone therapy to prevent the cancer recurring. This also leads to a lot of emotional ups and downs, which is one of the hardest parts to deal with, both for me and my loved ones.
Pre-cancer I was pretty fit for my age and could easily ride 180km in a day (provided there were enough cake stops along the way). I have started to get back on my bike again and with the help of my very patient brother-in-law and crippling training sessions twice a week I am building up strength and stamina. By July I should be able to ride the distance of a Tour de France stage without needing the broom wagon.
I am so lucky, to have a kind supportive and loving wife and a close family that rallies round to help us all, many men with this disease do not and it must be very hard for them to cope without that level of support. I hope you can help me put together a significant amount of funds to help prostate cancer research, to raise awareness of this cancer and to prevent this disease from killing future generations of men. If you are able, please support me in this journey to recovery, by donating through this page to PROSTATE CANCER UK.