Hey all,
I have recently had to retire from rugby on medical grounds, nothing to serious but an injury which stops me playing rugby or any contact sport. I have decided to run the london marathon this year and got in touch with the bromley by bow centre which is an organisation in east london who work to support young people and adults build confidence and chances to achieve their goals and transform their lives. I have been training for it since i finished rugby 3 months ago but my main training programme starts on the 15th february, which contains weight programs to build up strength to cope with the distance and obviously loads of interval running and one big run a week to increase fitness.
Bromley by bow centre and i have set the target of £2,500 which will be great if we can reach it or even beyond it. I am looking at running it in a decent time for a rugby player who is not built to run a marathon, lol.
Week 1
Just finished my 1st week of the training programme, legs r feeling sore and heavy from mondays 8 mile run and the 2 interval run sessions, i also did 2 weights session which covered the whole body. Rest the legs the whole weekend ready for inteval session on monday and 10 mile run on wednesday.
Will keep u posted on how week 2 goes at the end of the week. Keep donating people.
Sorry for the terrible updates on the page, been busy training.
Training is going well, i have reached the 13 mile run which went well but took a few days to recover. My knee flared up so was unable to run for a couple of days but continued with my weights program to strengthen my legs to cope with the marathon. I have taken up Bikram Yoga to help with my muscle soreness and recovery, it is hard work if you have not done it before, it is bascially doing yoga in a sauna.
My trainer has given me the new interval training program which concentrates on the lactic acid build up in the legs, i have done 2 sessions of it so far and all seems okay at the moment, cross fingers, lol.
Not long left, exactly a month from today (25th april). Will try and do regular updates of the training but please keep donating to the charity.
Hey everyone, got some terrible news. I will be unable to run the london marathon this year due to being stuck in dubai until the 29th april, thanks to the volcano erupting in iceland. I am speaking to the charity to see if we can roll over my place to next year but if that does not work i will look into running the chicago or new york marathon this october/november.
If you have any questions about donations/refunds to please contact the charity direct to discuss the choices. I will be running a marathon some time this year and this money will go to the charity. Will keep you posted on the outcome.
Many thanks for the donations and sorry for not being able to run this sunday
I have spoken to the charity and we were unable to roll over the place for next year, so i am going to run 26.2 miles when i get back with my friend matt so all my hard work and your donations are for nothing.
Hope it goes well and thanks again for the donations.
Hey all, just to keep u all up to date, i ran 22miles at altitude last monday while i was in france. ( For those who know, i ran from montauraux to mons and back), i ran it in 3 hours and 30 minutes.
Thank you so much for the donations, and the charity was so thankful to the amount raised.
I have the running bug now, and i am now looking to run the cannes/nice marathon in november with matt halstead.