A year ago Ruth (my wife) said she wanted to run the Manchester 10k and raise funds for Christie's - having a particular affinity with that charity. This was an impressive ambition for someone who has never run a race of any sort and indeed has barely run at all!
Unfortunately a year has passed and Ruth has devoted herself on a voluntary basis to many local causes (church, school, asylum seekers and homelessness) - which I have not!
In fairness it therefore seemed appropriate that when the chance arose for a GT partner to run on behalf of Christie's that I accept the challenge. It will be a challenge for several reasons including:
- I have never run 6 miles in my life
- I have not run further than 3 miles in at least 20 years
- Ruth and I have a dinner invitation for the night before
I will be running rather than walking so your support would be very much appreciated by me (and Ruth).