In August 2005,my fiancee Becci was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. The medical expertise, care and support she received from The Pevensey Ward at Eastbourne DGH was exceptional.
Through 6 months of Chemotherapy, a few dodgy wigs followed by 5 weeks of Radiotherapy and a year on the "wonder drug" Herceptin which is administered intravenously every 3 weeks, she was on the mend...
Unfortunately in July 2009, Becci was re diagnosed and following surgery and another 6 months of Chemo is thankfully now out the other side, fitter, stronger and still a little bit mad (hey science can’t help cure everything!) and is now starting to sprout hair...
During this time, Becci was supported by the amazing staff, resources and medication borne from fund raising by people like us for the Pevensey Ward, which is where you come in!
As a thank you for all they did, I feel very strongly about giving something back and so I am running the Brighton Marathon on Sunday 18th April.
The appeal will raise money for the expansion of facilities, replacement of equipment and more chemotherapy nurses.
These plans include specific facilities for the needs of young people and adolescents who have to battle with cancer as well as cope with the everyday problems of life in their teens.
The appeal is for £2million in two years and is a joint appeal supported by the Friends of Eastbourne Hospitals in conjunction with East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust and other fundraisers and appeals raising money for Pevensey ward and cancer patients.
Pevensey ward provides day and in-patient services for patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment for cancer and for related illness and complications. The conditions treated include leukemia, lymphoma and other blood diseases.
Donating through this site is simple, fast and totally secure. It is also the most efficient way to sponsor me. If you are a taxpayer, an extra 28% in tax will be added to your gift at no cost to you, if you so select.
So please sponsor me now! If you would prefer to sponsor me in person, please let me know by emailing me on I have a paper sponsorship form too!
Many thanks in advance for your support.