This is the second time Rae 7, has donated hair to The Little Princesses Trust, but last time we didn't raise any money.
As some of you may know a gorgeous little girl called Indi-Rose that we know is very poorly and so Rae decided this time aswell as donating her gorgeous hair, she wants to raise some ££ for the team (CATS) that transferred Indi-Rose to hospital ultimately helping save her life!!
Iv made sure my daughter Rae has thought about this and she's adamant it's what she wants to do, especially after seeing a touching viral video on Facebook of a little girl doing the same, her hair will grow back and the idea of giving someone who cannot grow their hair a wig makes her feel very proud and happy :-)
I'm blessed to have such an amazingly grown up 7 year old daughter who wants to help others so much!
Thanks for all your support and I'll be posting pictures of the before and after looks :-))