Thanks for taking the time to visit this page. If you are here you will have seen or downloaded my new edition of my free ebook How to stay calm in a global pandemic with all my pandemic images from 2020 & 2021.
I believe that everybody should have access to evidence based easy to use information to look after their mental health, which is why I first released this book last Christmas time. The first edition has been downloaded and circulated millions of times.
As times are getting tough again, We are now releasing an updated edition with all my pandemic images from 2021.
However I also believe that everybody should have access to good quality mental health support and treatment for free when they need it. Mental health has been significantly impacted on by the pandemic, while mental health services are under strain.
This time if you download or circulate the free ebook, as a small thank you I would like to ask you to support people experiencing mental health difficulties and the support they can access by making a small donation to a mental health charity, but only if you can afford to. I have chosen mental health Aberdeen as this provides support to people across all age ranges in Scotland. However please donate to any charity that is meaningful to you.
Even if everybody who circulated or used the book last time donated 50p- £1 we would have been able to support many, many people experiencing poor mental health during the pandemic.
Thank you so much for your generosity.
Emma and Brian the brain.