Welcome to the Just Giving page of Philippa Clare, Clare Gribble, Lily Barker and Sophie Thacker.
Thank you for visiting!
Just for a giggle, we have entered a team into The Soldier Challenge. If you fancy a laugh, too, take a look at what we’re going to have to do:
It’s in London on Saturday 26th March 2011. We start at 11:30 from Waterloo, and barring all accidents, fatalities or spontaneous pub-runs, will be at the Awards Ceremony for 16:30.
We have four hours to earn as many points as possible by passing through checkpoints stationed all around London. To pass a checkpoint, missions must be completed. These will involve team-work, a sense of humour and no dignity.
Here are just some of the activities the Challenge promises:
· Sink to the depths of The Tower of London Moat in the obstacle course
· Abseil down the sides of The Kia Oval
· Cargo Net Clamber over the guns at the Imperial War Museum
· Paintballing at Waterloo Station
ABF The Soldiers' Charity will be the recipient of all funds generously donated.
We would also be honoured if you were to come to London to support us – whether to take photos, offer refreshments, cheers us on....or point and laugh.
Thank you!
Team Velvet
P.S. There are Team Velvet members who are not taking part in The Soldier Challenge. So for this event, our Soldier Velvets are:
Philippa Clare, Clare Gribble, Lily Barker and Sophie Thacker