Tartan Trews adventure will officilly start in Juy 2016. We will be leaving from London and traveling compeletly unsupported to Mongolia, covering over 10,000 miles in the process. As if this is not enough of a challenge already, we will be completing this epic journey in a small and inappropriate car with only a 1.2 litre engine which we purchased for £600.
We are tackling this adventure to support the charity WaterAid who aim to transform the lives of the poorest and most marginalised people by improving access to safe water, however in deprived areasof the world, diseases caused by dirty waterand poor sanitation kill over 900 children a day. We believe we can make a difference but we need your help.
Our target is to raise over £8,000 in total. £500 of this will go to CoolEarth the official Mongol Rally charity. The remaining money will go to WaterAid.
Please help us in any way you can.