Hi! My name is Tamara Sharpe and I am 21yrs old.
At the age of 14, I was diagnosed with a condition called scoliosis, which basically means, I had a spine that couldn't decide wether it wanted to be a snake or a spine!
My first degree was about 35, so I wasn't that big of a deal to me. I attended full-time performing arts school, so I was pretty active and very fit and flexible.
My degree unfortunately started to get worse overtime. By the time I was in my final year, my degree had progressed to 65. My flexibility decreased, my fitness levels decreased, my happiness decreased and my pain increased! I was in agonising pain and my only option was to have the operation. I was studying GCSE dance at the time and I intended to get that GCSE no matter what. So I had to grit my teeth and smile through the pain!
After school I attended Writtle college, studying art + design and photography. Although it wasn't my chosen career, it was something i enjoyed and I knew I could do, while recovering from surgery.
On September 24th 2013, I underwent surgery at the Royal national orthopaedic hospital in Stanmore. I was in hospital for 2 1/2 weeks and during that time I had two operations. For my first operation, they removed some of my ribs from the left side and deflated my left lung, to make room for the second operation the next week, when they straightened my spine and fixed the metalwork in, to keep the spine in place. Sorry, gruesome! I know!
During my time in hospital I had to learn how to sit up in bed, stand, walk and go up stairs, all over again. Everyday routines which most people take for granted but was a mission for me!
After surgery I went back to college, where I had endless support from my teachers and friends, who helped me carrying my bags around the college and made sure I was comfortable at all times. After 2 years at college and stressing about wether I could catch up with the coursework I missed in college, I DID IT! I got my diploma!
Nearly 4 years on, I now attend part-time drama school, where I am training to be an actress!
I have also written a monologue on my time in hospital, which can my viewed on Ciara Walsh's blog (another beautiful scoliosis survivor).
I have also set up a Facebook group called Crooked wings, to help raise awareness for scoliosis! This group is for brainstorming and sharing ideas in how we can raise awareness!
Please join our group
For my 4 year anniversary, I wanted to say a massive thank you to the RNOH for all your help and support! You have given so much confidence and have made me proud to show off my battle wounds! You've also taught me to never give up, no matter what life throws at you! These wings are no longer crooked, thanks to you!
I've set my fundraising goal low as I'm not expecting much but every little helps! Please give what you can the RNOH need your help! The money will go towards the redevelopment of the RNOH's Stanmore site! Construction work started on the £50 million new inpatient ward building in September 2016 and will be completed by the summer of 2018.
Please view the RNOH Charity website for more information, as to what your money will be going towards.
I can be found on all social medias
Facebook -
Insta - tamarasharpe1
Twitter - @tamara_sharpe
Thank you in advance 💚