More than 1 million older people say they are often or always lonely. As well as feeling cut off from friends and family, it can mean that when difficulties arise, they feel they have no one to turn to. Independent Age provides regular visits and telephone calls for older people from caring volunteers. They also help with worries older people might be facing whether they're about finances, mobility, or other day-to-day issues, so they don't have to cope with difficulties
I consider myself very lucky to have the best examples in life and I wish to celebrate the life of the oldest people in my family including the following:
My great-aunt Sara has 103 years old and she is still the most intelligent person I've ever known. Her ability to always help others and hunger for never stop learning are the two things I admire most from her. She is definitely the best example to follow in life and I'm very proud of her ambition through life.
My grandma Lily is turning 90 years old next year. She is the funniest person I know, and it has been a ride working with her on the family business. She has the noblest heart protected by the thickest wall to avoid getting hurt. Her life story is amazing, and she has been through very tough times. She raised two girls on her own and still wakes up every morning to attend work. I admire her capacity to avoid aging and she is the best example that growing old is just a mental status.
My other grandmother Jovita gave birth to 9 children and dedicated her life to attend and raise her family. After years of hard work, she is finally having a calm life and has become a great painter. She is still the pillar of the family and I'll always remember that every time I visit her, I'll gain 2 kg after eating all the food she always prepares. She has the best recipe for Mexican beans and I'll always regret not learning how to cook with her when she was able to teach me.
Finally, my grandpa, Julian passed away when he was only 72 years after fighting cancer. He was an exceptional man who raised 10 children and as the general pharmacist, he was always an example to follow in his hometown and when his family visits the town people still remember him as a notable man.