Hello, and welcome to my fundraising page! Thanks for visiting.
In June 2016, I will travel to Banan, Cambodia as part of my International Citizen Service (ICS) placement. The charity I will be going with is called VSO - Voluntary Service Overseas. As part of my placement, I am fundraising with a target of £1,500. Most of this will go to support the project on the ground, enabling VSO to continue carrying out projects in remote and rural areas. I am grateful for any donation you might be able to make - please read on to find out a bit about my delegated country and what I'll be doing in Banan.
Cambodia is a beautiful and historic place, well known for its old temples and ruins. However, it has a GDP of just $1,007 (2013), making it one of the poorest nations in the world. There are many complex reasons for Cambodia's poverty; the country is still recovering from the 1975-1978 communist regime of Pol Pot which killed around 2 million people; corruption is rife amongst the country's most powerful and the majority of the population rely on subsidence farming to get by.
During my 10 weeks in Banan, I will be volunteering and working alongside the grassroots communities to eradicate poverty and improve livelihoods. The work of VSO aims to lift communities out of poverty using sustainable techniques and by partnering UK volunteers with locals. Spending two and a half months there also ensures that volunteers (me!) can work for a lasting effect.
Upon my return in late August, the ICS placement asks volunteers to undertake a project in the UK, based on what they have learned during their time abroad. In this way, we are working to benefit our local communities as well as an overseas country! This is called our action at home.
I am really excited to have been selected for this placement; I know it will be worthwhile. Thank you for reading and thank you in advance for your support!