Phase II
Dear friends
This donation page has now evolved and now others are taking on the challenge of raising awarenes and much needed funds to support the great work being done at the Charring Cross Hospital by Prof Seckle and his team.
Mary-Ellen Donovan (MED) an amazing friend, has initiated a further round of fundraising, she has asked friends and collegues to make a contribution to this cause in return for her running the Paris marathon on Sunday 15th April and depending on the damage, possibly the London marathon the following week.
For those of you supporting her and making a contribution our family is greatful as will be those of future Choriocarcinoma sufferers that this research will save.
You may not have known Ann but I know she will be watching over MED every step of the way, cheering her on..please support her and this cause. I am certain that this will not be the last initiative and have heard rumblings of something similar happening in Ireland later this year.
Many thanks to you all
Dear friends
Ann was a giving and loyal friend, much loved by us all and taken from us all far too soon. Although she may have become my Mrs McCann, Ann will always be our "Stunning Dunning" - the life and soul of every occasion.
I know that she would want her passing to have more than just the obvious and heartfelt emotional impact it has already had, and will continue to have. Ann fought this disease with every fibre in her body, and I would like to think she would cheer on our efforts to help others beat this disease.
It is the McCann and Dunning families hope that the money raised through this effort will assist the CTRT - Charring Cross in their efforts, possibly addressing some of the following areas:
- raising awareness amongst women at risk of this disease
- earlier and more accurate testing and diagnosis methods
- improved treatments
- improving the education of health professionals
Although I have no direct control over how the funds will be used, I trust that Prof Michael Seckl and the team at Charring Cross will utilise any funds raised in a manner which Ann would have approved of.
If any of you wish to understand more about Choriocarcinoma please look at the following web-site:
Donating through this site is simple, fast and totally secure. It is also the most efficient way to donate: Cancer Treatment and Research Trust will receive your money electronically and, if you are a taxpayer, an extra 28% in Gift Aid will be added to your donation at no cost to you.
Many thanks for your support and thank you for visiting Ann's fundraising page..
Denver McCann