Picturehouse cinemas began working with Plan in 2008, focusing on water and sanitation projects in Niger, a country where water is precious and over half the population is forced to drink dirty, dangerous water.
So far, Picturehouse customers and staff have helped raise £142,600. This money has built 4 bore holes and provided around 2000 people with safe drinking water. With sustainability at the heart of what Plan does, that number is set to continue rising and this year we hope to expand Picturehouse's contribution by supporting and fundraising for Plan's Africa Water Fund.
In 2013 year we're aiming to raise £1320.00 at Stratford East Picturehouse, that's enough to pay for a rain catchment water system in a school in Kenya.
We're going to be doing loads of different things to raise the money including running a half marathon and our much-loved movie poster sale!
We hope that you'll be able to help us reach our target!