Late November 2018 we took our son to hospital as his lips turned blue in the bath. The following week was the most surreal and soul destroying week of my life. We found out our son, Tyler, had dilated cardiomyopothy (stretched heart muscle). He was rushed to the specialist hospital in Southampton. The nurses and doctors in the intensive care worked so hard to keep our son alive, and he fought hard, but ultimately he lost his fight and passed away at 4 months old on 1/12/2018. Whilst he was in intensive care I said that when he got out I would run a marathon for the unit. Although he didn't get out the way we wanted, they still deserve all the credit and accolades coming their way. So I will keep my promise to help raise money for all the children that go into the intensive care unit. This charity has helped so many children, from giving them Teddy's and blankets, to providing life saving equipment which includes a retrieval ambulance and they recently helped add more beds to the ward enabling more children to get the help they need. Although Tyler's story isn't a happy ending, there are many story's that are. And if I can raise even enough to help one child get better, and honour my son then I will do my part. Please help this fantastic charity help so many more children.