Having done a few half marathons I felt it was time to step up and do the full distance! So I will be taking part in the Brighton Marathon on the 10th April 2011. As everyone has been asking what charity I am running for I felt I had to choose one and it wasn't a difficult choice.. Alzheimer's is an extremely difficult condition for the entire family to cope with and no one wants to see anyone go through it. Please donate whatever you can to help out, if me running 26.2 miles inspires you to donate then it will make those long training runs over the cold, dark winter feel much less lonely!
Thank you.
Week 12 of training finished - therefore just 4 weeks til the big day and finally a chance to reduce the training a little bit. If anyone thinks that running the marathon is the hard part, then they're wrong (well I haven't run a marathon yet to back this up, but...) it's the 16 weeks of training that are difficult!
Over the last 12 weeks I have spent a total of 63 hours, 36 minutes and 21 seconds running.
In this time, I have travelled 466.53 miles.
I have climbed 4.3km
Run an average of 7.3 mph
With an average heart rate of 155bpm
Oh, and burnt a total of 56,399 calories
I have just finished week 4 of marathon training.
In this time I have run 23 times and a total of 140.39 miles.
This has taken around 19 hours.
In total I've ascended almost 1.5 km.
I have burnt 16,877 calories.
And that's just the first month! there are three more of these to go and the distance gets further and tougher...
Remember, when you see someone running a marathon that they didn't just turn up and do it - it is months of training to get to that point...
Anyone can jump out of a plane or strap themselves to an elastic cord but it does take a lot to run a marathon..
I don't have to raise money for charity because I have my own place, but if anyone wants to donate I'm raising for the Alzheimer's Society and you can donate here:
If you know anyone else raising money for charity then please donate to them and show your support for anyone who is prepared to take on the challenge!