Christmas comes but once a year, as does the opportunity to dress up in a santa suit and brave the delights of Blackpool Prom one sunny (yeah right!) December morning...
Nick and I have entered the Trinity Hospice Santa Dash. Apparently he felt left out when I did the Illumathon so this is his chance to get involved, although he doesn't have to wear the full Father Christmas number, just reindeer antlers. (Lucky him!)
We'd love it if you could sponsor us. Trinity is such a special place, not least because of the dignity and peace it gives to people in their final days. I'm not completely comfortable with asking people for dosh, but someone did it for us once so Nick and me just want to give something back.
Thanks for your support, it means a lot. And if you're in and around town on December 5th, I'll be the one in the beard!