So I've wanted to do a skydive for a long time and it's only now that I'm going to do it, that I've realised how scary it's going to be. I'll be jumping out of a plane at 15,000 feet and will hurtle towards earth to my potential death. Did I ever tell you how unlucky I am? Fingers crossed eh? (that I don't die, not that I do!)
As well as ticking something off of my bucket list, this is a great chance to be able to raise money to a charity that I truely support. RICE helps a lot people with dementia and their families. They are an amazing charity and I am proud to be jumping out of a plane from them.
So please help me give as much money as possible to them.
Okay so this event did not happen on the 5th April due to weather conditions. I am however doing it on the 4th July (hopefully) so all donations are still welcome.