Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page.
The most common form of cancer, every year 50,000 women are diagnosed with Breast Cancer, with 12,000 casualties and millions living with its long term impact.
I must admit when it came to raising money for charity I have never had a preference to where the money went to, as long as it went to a noble cause.
This all changed in September 2013 when someone close to me was diagnosed with breast cancer. I made a promise to her shortly after we received this news that I wanted to do my part in raising money for the awareness, research and treatment of breast cancer, which is why I have chosen to run the Bupa London 10K for my chosen charity 'Breast Cancer Campaign' on 25th May 2014.
For me to take part in this run I need to raise a minimum of £150 but I have set my initial target for £500 so any kind donations would be much appreciated. If you do choose to donate please remember all the lives you will be helping for this great cause.
As a great Winston Churchill once said "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
I will do my best on the day of the run to achieve the best possible finish with your support being the motivation for me to succeed.
Thank you for your time and support.
Stefano Sartori