As Most Of you Know This Charity Is Very Close To My Heart, And Has Helped Me In So Many Ways. This Charity Came Along and Supported me, Guided me and Helped me understand what has gone on.But also help me move on at my own pace and put it in the past behind me.
So I want to raise as much money as I can to support other families and children and raise more awareness of whats going on in the uk.
NSPCC Helps and Supports Children Who Have Been Neglected and Abused and Mis Treated. 1 in 5 children in the UK have suffered abuse.
Child Abuse Is Preventable Not Inventable,. That's why NSPCC work to Protect Children, Prevent Abuse and make Child Abuse a thing of the past.
Thank you For Donating and reading My Story.
🙂 x