UPDATE 12/12/2021:
GUYS! its finally happening. I'm leaving on the 22nd December, not far from my target, you guys have always had my back, lets get that last 10% done!
Salaam beautiful people,
It’s Ramadan again, and we are lucky to be here for another year full of blessings and mercy.
Amidst the current chaos brought on by COVID19, my usual way of fundraising has been effected. However I still intend to distribute aid this year as soon as it is possible. There are millions of people around the world that are rely on our donations for a few morsels of food.
Let these unprecedented times serve as a reminder that the favorable circumstances we live in today can change in a few moments and whilst we have the means we should do what we can to ease the distress of others.
Rest assured if it is not possible for me to deliver the aid this year then there are brilliant teams on the ground working tirelessly doing more than what they do usually to ensure aid is delivered on time.
Please drop a note in the donation box if you are donating ‘Zakat, Hadiya, Fitrana’ – I will calculate this manually and ensure it is distributed within the month.
“Humanity is but a single Brotherhood: So make peace with your brethren” The Quran 49:10