Andrew Jarvis and Ewan Fox are embarking on a journey which will undoubtedly prove to push their limits.
As two rugby players; with limited experience in cycling, running and kayaking. 300KM cycle, 40KM run and 10KM kayak will be a daunting feat. If that wasn’t challenging enough… the start of the journey begins with a hike to the summit of Snowden.
The pair are taking on this challenge to raise awareness for MND, and are committed to supporting Doddie Weir’s charity ‘My Name’5 Doddie Foundation’.
The Foundation aims to improve the lives of those affected by Motor Neuron Disease. They help to fund grants, giving considerable sums to MND Association and MND Scotland to administer to individuals and families living with MND.
The Foundation's Strategic Plan has five main pillars:
- Research
- Support
- Awareness
- Sustainability
- Love, Fun & Hope
The boys hope you can be part of our journey by supporting us!