On Sunday 6 October a team from RBS Litigation (Will Luker, Paul de Gruchy and Simon Hood) will be running the Royal Parks Half Marathon!
We are proud to be raising funds for the Joshua Hayday Helping Hand Trust - JHHHT. JHHHT is a fantastic charity set up by two lawyers who are friends of Paul in memory of their son, Joshua who died just before his first birthday (his story here: JHHHT exists to support families who have children with life-limiting conditions. Funds raised will go towards projects that make a real, practical difference and include things such as respite care, assistance with transport needs and equipment (
Training is........progressing! There are just a few short weeks to go until the day, and we'd be very grateful for your generous donations to this worthy cause, as every penny will not only provide aid through the charity, but also galvanise our resolve to push through to the finish line and keep us going through the 20+km of pain!Many thanks,
Will, Paul, and Simon