Follow my training diary:
Looking at me you would think butter wouldn't melt.
Quiet, mysterious and calm.
But inside is a beast. A beast which needs to be uncaged and let into the ring for one night only.
To battle toe to toe on the canvas for six brutal minutes of unflappable, unmissable, unwatchable (if your a relative) entertainment.
That's right I am boxing. Me. Boxing.
The weights are out, the protein is being consumed and the training montage begun.
I have already started training twice a week to learn how to box, weave, dodge and jap.
But I still need your help.
As long as my amount raised stays at £0 I can still back out as I am a massive wimp.
But if you back me I shall fight. I must fight. I will need to fight! And I shall win!
The fight itself takes place on Saturday June 11 at Milnrow Soccer Village. I will be one of 30 or so boxers fighting on the night.
The white collar event itself is raising money for Springhill Hospice in Rochdale which is a fantastic charity.
Personally I wish to raise money for The Stroke Association, a fantastic charity which needs more and more funding, in memory of my Nanek Syl who I am sure would have given me some tips.
Give generously, give me lots of abuse and support me on the night. I am going to need all the help I can get.
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