Completed in 1hr and 38mins!! the Parachute
Regiment selection cut off time was 1hr and 50mins, well inside the time! come on then get donating!...... I'm off to look for my lungs!
Last year I was unable to compete in this event due to a number of reasons including a new addition to the family which led to a serious lack of training! Thank you to everyone that donated, I understand that you may wish to see me finish this year before you donate again! This page is open for several months after the event. So for those of you who have not read last years 'blog' see below:
On the 12th September I will be running,
(crawling!) a 10 mile cross country endurance race against the Parachute
Regiment and other crazy fools! not only is the course very difficult in
own right but to add to the fun I will be carrying 16kg in a backpack!!
Anyway its all for a good cause as I’m raising money for the
Help for Heroes charity
please sponsor me generously and I might let you see the photos of me in
pain as I crawl my way over the finish line, hopefully!
Founded by WO1 JJ Wilson PARA The PARA'S
10, was hosted by The Parachute Regiment in Aldershot 1982 - 1993.
Since the Paras left Aldershot in 1993, this legendary event was
dormant. In 2008 'P' Company, The Parachute Regiment's own training and
selection wing, revived the race to mark the first time since WWII that
all four of The Parachute Regiment's Battalions have deployed on
operations in the same theatre at the same time (Afghanistan). The race
attracted 650 runners and raised an estimated £40,000 for service
The Parachute Regiment
challenges you to attempt the 10 Mile 'P' Company Cross Country Route,
carrying a bergen (rucksack) weighing 35lb (excluding food water) and
wearing military style boots. Competitors rucksacks will be weighed
before and after the race, by race officials. The P Company Challenge
is open to individuals and teams of 4 (With the first 3 runners to
count). As a guide the Paratroopers Company Selection cut off time is 1
hr 50 minutes.