Hi everybody, and thanks for visiting my page.
It is a while since I updated this page - in fact I've mostly left it alone since I set it up at the start of this marathon (!) training programme. You may be wondering how it is all going, and it is pretty much a case of so far so good! I completed the first part of my challenge, the Great North Run, in 1 hour 48 minutes, and finished 5740th out of 50,000 people. I have to admit that I was really pleased with my time, but even more pleased that there were so many people behind me!!
The Great North Run was a fantastic day - the weather was great and the atmosphere was fantastic! Unfortunately Gwion wasn't able to take part as he hurt his back a couple of weeks ago, so is saving himself for the marathon! Gwion therefore became Gwen for the GNR, and my sister travelled to Newcastle with me instead, with Mum and Dad there to support us. They managed to spend most of the day in a queue for the metro, so didn't see us finish, but had a good time nonetheless. Luckily Dublin starts and finishes in the same place, so as long as they stay still they should be fine there!!
So now we're into the last leg of our training. The longest run of all (23 miles) is coming up on Sunday, and if I get through that OK, then the marathon should be achievable (I won't say easy, because I know it won't be!).
If you haven't visited this page before and are wondering why I'm doing all this running, the reasons are two-fold. Firstly to challenge myself and get fit, and second (and most important), to raise money for the MS Society. My old school friend Sioned was diagnosed with MS in the summer of 2006, and the way she's dealing with it is an inspiration to us all. This is why I've decided to do my small bit to help her and others with MS by raising money for the MS society.
If you haven't done so already, please dig deep and sponsor me. Wish me luck and thanks for all your support!
Sian xx x
Helo, a diolch am ymweld â fy nhudalen i.
Mae dipyn o amser wedi pasio heibio ers i mi ddiweddaru'r tudalen yma ddwytha, ac efallai eich bod eisiau gwybod sut mae pethau'n mynd erbyn hyn. Wel, hyd yn hyn, mae petha'n mynd yn dda iawn. Mi wnes i gwblhau'r rhan gyntaf o fy sialens, y Great North Run, mewn awr a 48 munud ddydd Sul dwytha, ac roeddwn i yn y 5740fed safle, allan o 50000 o redwyr. Roeddwn i'n hynod falch o'r amser ond yn fwy hapus byth bod cymaint o bobl y tu ol i mi!
Roedd y Great North Run yn fythgofiadwy - roedd y tywydd yn braf, a'r awyrgylch yn wych! Yn anffodus nid oedd Gwion yn gallu bod yno gan ei fod wedi brifo ei gefn, felly trodd Gwion yn Gwen am y diwrnod, a daeth fy chwaer efo fi i Newcastle ar gyfer y ras. Roedd Mam a Dad yno hefyd yn cefnogi, ond mi lwyddodd nhw dreulio'r rhan fwyaf o'r diwrnod yn disgwyl mewn ciw ar gyfer y metro, a methu ein gweld ni'n gorffen! Ta waeth, mae ras Dulyn yn cychwyn a gorffen yn yr un lle, felly dylen nhw ein gweld ni ond iddyn nhw aros yn llonydd!
Os nad ydych wedi ymweld â'r tudalen yma o'r blaen ac yn gofyn pam mod i'n gwneud yr holl redeg yma, mae na ddau brif reswm. Yn gyntaf, fel sialens i mi fy hun, ac yn ail (ac yn bwysicaf) ydi codi pres at y Gymdeithas MS. Mae fy ffrind ysgol, Sioned, yn dioddef o'r salwch ers 2006, ac mae'r ffordd mae hi'n ymdopi a'r peth yn ysbrydoliaeth i ni i gyd. Felly dyma fi wedi penderfynnu gwneud fy nghyfraniad bach tuag ati hi ac eraill sydd yn dioddef efo MS.
Plis noddwch fi a byddwch yn hael! Dymunwch yn dda i mi, a diolch o waelod calon i chi am eich cefnogaeth.
Sian xxx