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I will be walking 6 miles to raise money for the Alzheimers Society, a charity very close to my heart. Last year my Grandad lost his battle with Alzheimers and our family suffered the most devastating loss. Seeing him deteriorate over the years from a clever, skilled man, into being entirely dependent on others for basic needs was heart breaking for us as his family, and so frustrating for him as a person. Some days, he could not remember who his wife was or who his family were. he would wake up confused as to where he was and whos house he was in. Unless you have been through it, it is hard to understand just how much Alzheimers takes hold. And how powerless you can feel at times.
There are things you can do to help though, tricks you pick up along the way, even things like using photographs as a memory aid and not moving the furniture as it will confuse them even more. Advice and help is where a charity such as the Alzheimers Society comes in. I am supporting them because I think the work they do is invaluable to families, even if it is just providing information via the website and leaflets.
This is a case study I wrote in 2010 about my Grandad living with Alzheimers :