Pics available now
I am collecting money for the British Red Cross - Japan Tsunami Appeal
I will donate the money as it is collected either by cash, poker transfer or otherwise. All of the money will be given straight to the justgiving page.
This is a list of all the people who have so far sponsored this, and will be updated each time someone pledges more in addition to the list of online donators at justgiving:
Italics = (Recieved)
Dapperdan - £5
Susan groom - Groomi's Mam - £20
Gazscoop - £5
BGR1 - £10
Stumpy - £10
Sandancer - £10
Roscopico - £10
Mick Groom - Groomi's dad - £20
Camel Toe - £10
The Geek - £10
mag1892 - £10
Bendystash - £20
Drunk Aspers Regs - £10
Full Tilit - £20
Herbiehackett - £10
Nicola groom - Groomi's sister - £10
Knerrad - £10
Buzz - £10
FatPants - £10
Faetzy - £20
BrickontheRiver - £10
Paul 'taxi' Groom - Groomi's uncle £5
Craig Cavanagh - £5
Apokerlypse - £10
Collected Via Justgiving
S2C - £20
GazWalker - £20
Scotty - £100