My name is Sharon Cook I am 39 years of age and I was diagnosed with Huntington's Disease in early 2016, as you can imagine this was devastating news and very hard for me to accept, but with the help and support of my husband Nick, my 10 year daughter Annabelle, close family and friends I'm getting on with my life the best way I can. You have to carry on with life the best way I can, making the most of everyday as everyday counts and is very precious.
Huntington's Disease is a neurological disease that affects your short term memory, your balance, co-ordination and mobility, it a progressively disease that affects you daily and there is no cure or medication that slows down it's effects.
I have been lucky enough to be accepted for the Virgin Money London Marathon this year on Sunday 23rd April 2017, I have naturally chosen the Huntington's Disease Association as my nominated charity which I am very excited to run for.
I would appreciate any contribution that you could make to my charity to help fund research and raise awareness of this disease anything would be amazing thank you for reading my story it means a lot to me and......everyone please make sure that you are happy with your life and that you have done everything you want to do in life before it is too late.
Please share my story.
Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page.