Hi, my name is Selina Cunningham and I have been a Stonham employee for 13 years. I am currently a floating support worker for a Learning Difficulty service in Waveney and a Mental Health service in Saxmundham, Suffolk. I have worked in a generic service in Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk but most of my time with Stonham was with a great Mental Health Supported Housing service in Lowestoft, you may of heard of the "A" team at 52 Kirkley Cliff.
Over the years I have seen some fantastic changes within Stonham which has resulted in new services being introduced and old ones excelling and along the way I have met so many brilliant people, clients and colleagues, all have been an inspiration to me.
I am going to support a gentleman within the Learning Difficulty service to reach his ultimate goal, to do a parachute jump. He has told me that he wishes to do this to raise funds for the voluntary services he now works with but did not think for one moment he would be able to do so. He felt that his learning and physical disabilities would prevent him from having a life long dream come true. Nonsense, not with Stonham on board!!
We have now arranged to complete the jump on 10.10.10 and I too am trying to raise funds for 2 causes that are very important to me. My colleagues at Kirkley Cliff are supporting their tenants to walk the length of Hadrians wall but due to lack of funds this has had to be postponed. I have seen such dedication from the tenants and staff there to try to make this happen that I am going to donate half of my sponsorship money to their funds, hopefully they will achieve their goal and complete the walk soon. I am also donating the other half to a new women’s refuge, supporting women and their children to flee domestic abuse, which has recently opened in Norfolk. I recently met the Service Manager and her passion to support clients has left a lasting impression. I hope that any funds raised could support that service to purchase any essential items, such as toys for the children or just a treat for the service users. This particular service provision within Stonham is very close to my heart and I never take for granted how the support given in such drastic circumstances can quite literally save lives.
If you are able to support me in any way that would be great, just reading my rather long story is very kind of you so whatever your donation, whether it be funds or time is very much appreciated. Many thanks, Selina.
P.S pictures of the jump will be added, I apologise now for not looking my best, 22,000 feet may mess my hair a bit but all for a good cause, thanks.
Well, we did the jump, what an experience, Peter loved every minute of it and has already arranged to do another next year. Me, well I am no longer scared of heights and I have been on a plane now, however, I will never jump out of one ever again!! Please have a look at the pictures, I still can't believe that we did it.
Thankyou to everybody who sponsored me, I really appreciate all of your support and the funds raised will really help the services that I did it for. Thankyou all again, you fully inspired me with your supportive messages, Selina.