I love cycling. If you know me, you probably have had the pleasure (I'm sure!) of either joining me on many cycling adventures across Sussex, the Lakes or further afield or simply enjoying (of course) listening to me rant on about how many miles I did at the weekend or what my max speed was. Being a cyclist, particularly in the Lake District for many years and now beautiful Sussex, has allowed me to explore places I'd never see and meet people I would never usually.
I've always wanted to do something that could make a difference, and whilst I realise this is a tiny effort in the grand scheme of things, this was a great opportunity to put my love of cycling to great use and support a great cause.
Ever since I studied A-Level Biology back in college, I have been fascinated with the human body. How it works automagically, tirelessly to let us just live every day, but also just how fragile we really are.
When I was looking for a place in the Prudential 100, I kept coming back to the research funded by the chaps at the British Heart Foundation. Looking at past research they've funded, or work they're doing right now, I can't emphasise enough just how important what they do is to all of us. Whether its the elderly who could be there longer for their children and grandchildren, or giving a fighting chance to newborns with heart conditions - I feel the research they do can, and already has touched so many lives. My hope is, by pushing myself to the limit (The longest I've ever ridden was about 60miles before! :O), I can raise awareness and, along with your very kind donation, support them to continue their essential research.
I know its very late in the day to start looking for donations, but work and life has got in the way. I do appreciate not everyone is in a position to donate but I do really appreciate anything you can do, even if right now all you can give is a share of this page to help raise awareness for The British Heart Foundation, that would be great!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story and supporting me! I really do appreciate it :)
Wish me luck!