Hey Up Petal! ;)
I have decided to have a dryathlon for the whole of 2014.
This is largely due to the fact that my life is a vicious circle of Eat, Sleep, Rave, Repeat.(with a bit of 'hanging like a bat' inbetween)
I was initially going to do it as a personal challenge but after talking to a few friends it became apparent I should do it to raise some money for charity. (Most people wanted to place bets anyway so you may as well donate instead).
I have decided to choose Arthritis Research UK as my nominated charity seeing as In May 2013 I was diagnosed with inflammatory arthritis. This disease which I used to be completely ignorant about has changed my life entirely. Simple tasks that I never used to think about now prove difficult (opening drinks bottles, door knobs) and sports I use to enjoy such as hockey and tennis - I now rarely take part in which is a bit of a bummer!
Anyway, Its all for a good cause and would mean a lot if my friends and family could get behind me and support me in sponsorship.
The more I raise the more determined I am to stay on the wagon.
Thanks petals :)