When I, somewhat foolishly, agreed to run (well…..crawl) the Edinburgh Marathon, I started to look at charities to raise money for. I thought about going for Alzheimer's UK or a Cancer Charity (both diseases having recently affected my family) but decided that I would prefer to choose a smaller, less publicised, charity that could benefit more from the relatively small amount of money that I expect to raise.
I'm really fortunate in that my son grew up fit and healthy but not everyone is so. I cannot imagine what life is like for a child with cancer and the effect it has, not only on them, but on their parents and siblings. A really good friend of mine told me about SPOCC (Society of Parents Of Children with Cancer) which is a small charity based at the Birmingham Children's Hospital that provides support to families of children suffering from cancer.
I don't usually like asking for money (and please don't feel obliged) but if you can, and would like to, donate a small amount of money I would be extremely grateful. To raise as much as I can for a charity that is needed by too many families will make the 26.2 miles all the more worthwhile.
Thank you so much xxxx