Asalaamwalaikum 😀
“Allah, the Exalted, says, ‘Spend, O son of Adam, and I shall spend on you.’” – Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Charity does not decrease wealth"....
Insha'Allah, I will be travelling to Lebanon on Sunday 14th November 2021 to give our aid, sadaqah, zakat and winter packs.
Winter is a struggle in the UK let alone living in a tent in minus temperatures with no heaters. I will be on the ground giving out vital winter kits to those in need insha'Allah. This will include hats, gloves, scarfs, jackets and winter blankets to keep warm this winter and essential food items for families in a food pack insha'Allah.
£30 provides a Food Pack for a Family of 5
£60 provides 2 Food Packs for a Family of 5
£90 Provides 3 Food Packs for a Family of 5
£360 Provides One Year worth of Food for a family of 5
£100 provides a Winter Pack for a Family of 5 (hats, scarves, gloves, coat and blankets)
£200 provides 2 families with a Winter Pack
£300 provides 3 families with a Winter Pack
£500 provides 5 families with a Winter Pack
An opportunity to give out your Zakat and Sadaqah by hand to those in need. Please state in the comment section whether you are giving as Sadqah or Zakat.
100% Donation Policy Alhamdulillah