Kaia age 12 and Evie age 7 are going to live in the playhouse at the bottom of our garden for 26 hours next weekend to raise urgent funds for Lucy Air Ambulance for Children. As each moment passes the impact of COVID-19 deepens and its grip on our society tightens. Lucy Air Ambulance for Children will have a role to play in the following weeks and months as pressure on the NHS rises and it becomes vital that charities like us are able to continue to provide our free service. As a small organisation with limited financial reserves we are particularly vulnerable. We are entirely reliant on voluntary fundraising and we are already seeing the financial impact of the virus with fundraising and events being cancelled. At the moment we are forecasting an 80% drop in our annual income and are facing the real possibility of having to cease operating. This will be devastating for the families who need our help and the NHS who needs our service.