Alzheimer’s Society is transforming the landscape of dementia forever. Until the day we find a cure, we will create a society where those affected by dementia are supported and accepted, able to live in their community without fear or prejudice.
This terrifying disease will affect at least one in 8 of us - either getting it or living with a loved one who has it. Dementia changes people, alters their whole personality, so that their partners/family/friends loose them twice. Each year scientist make some progress towards prevention and/or cure, but research costs a lot of money. So any contribution however small is welcomed.
Last year I walked 26 miles around Salisbury Plain and many of you were generous with your support. This year there are more walks around the UK, so I have chosen another 26 miles in South Devon - probably more hilly but more interesting. Toes haven't improved any, but I have some clever little spacer gismos to help so hopefully less nails lost this year!!
To cut to the chase - once again I'm asking you to support this vital organisation with sponsorship - its all got to make a difference. Please help again - any contribution much appreciated.