My name is Rusty Harness and my wife Claire works in Waitrose with Gail Miller Prior. Gail's Little boy Max was an absolute gem and at almost 2 was a typical mischievous toddler, into everything, who really had a great zest for life.
Unfortunately Max had a genetic Epilepsy which came through when he had a cold or virus - tragically occasionally with his type of Epilepsy (tonic clonic seizures, which were not easly controlled), there is a small risk of SUDEP (Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy) which occurs when the sufferers are asleep and this is what happened to Max, it is a fault with the nervous system when the body is on 'automnomic'.
This is just my way of helping Team Max raise some much needed money to help Epilepsy Action.
On January 8th I will be cycling between 5 branches of Waitrose, Starting in Wimborne, Going to Ringwood, Christchurch, Winton, Parkstone and finally back to Wimborne, a round trip of 36.4 miles. not an easy undertaking for a 19 stone 51 year old but the result will be worth it.
Anyone who is interested in helping out by following my route and collecting at the stores, or any help that you may think I may need please do not hesitate to contact me.
Also if any of you wish to donate please feel free to again contact me by email or donate on my Just Giving page