The time has come to test our resolve! 28 Jun - 4 Jul we are running 250 miles!!
Amelia-Mae Davies is a 2 year old girl who is suffering from stage 4 Neuroblastoma. She is extremely ill and is in need of treatment. the treatment needed is not available in this country but is available in the USA. She needs a staggering £250,000 for ground breaking treatment.
Her cousins, John Murray and Coren Forrest and their team of friends (Andy Gatenby, Davey Mac, Paul Ormston, Lizzy Caselton, Hugh McNulty, Miles Fallon and Thomas Horton) are planning to run from Brighton to Liverpool (Alderhey Children's Hospital) between the 28 Jun - 4 Jul 2013. John is dedicated to running everyone of the 240 miles and will run 40 - 50 miles a day for 6 days.
If you would like to hold charity events, cal John on 07967598707
Please show them some love