My commitment to Team Jessica Gomez began in 2010 with a 5k, since then I have joined every race each year advancing to half marathon, 19.3 and 26.2 challenges. Jessica loved sports and loved to be there side by side with us team members during the 5k challenges cheering us on. It is her spirit and her determination that keep me focused with these challenges. Therefore, in Jessica's honor, I am happy to join the next challenge representing Team Jessica.
I've joined the 100 In Their Shoes Challenge and will be completing 100 mile run by July 9! Each repetition completed will be in honor of a child or young adult who has/had ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T). A-T is a fatal genetic disease that attacks children, causing progressive loss of muscle control, cancer, and immune system problems. As I complete my challenge, I ask for your support by donating to my fundraising page! With every dollar raised, we are one step closer to a cure for A-T!
If you are interested in joining me in the challenge, please visit to register!