The day after my 20th Birthday I had an eye test booked, I had been getting headaches and was struggling to read certain texts i thought this was due to needing glasses, as i was starting a new college course i thought it was best that i booked an opticians appointment . I sat in the waiting room a 'normal' healthy just turned 20 year old girl waiting to find if i needed glasses or not, the eye test was standard and all seemed fine, i was told i was long sighted and needed glasses, and was told to go and choose a pair, i was stood looking and trying on all the glasses, when my optician re appeared and asked if i could do a visual field test, still oblivious as to what was going on i did the field test, i had continued looking at the glasses when my optician appeared again, she called me back into her office and sat me down, she told me i had way to much pressure at the back of my eye which was causing my optic disks to swell, as a result of this i had blind spots on my visual field tests, she then went on to say that i needed to get to the hospital today to get checked out, so i made an appointment with my GP for that same day, went in and he looked at my eyes and said the same thing, he sent me with a note to emphases how urgent this was, me and my mother went and sat in eye casualty where they dilated my eyes, poked and prodded them, i had scans, and tests and was told to come back the next morning after my eyes were no longer dilated to do some more tests, so up i got back to the hospital for more blood tests and eye examinations. I was referred that day onto a neurologists and diagnosed with pappilledema. 1 week later i saw my Neurologist and was diagnosed with IIH!
I run the blog life under pressure and i would like to help raise money and awareness for IIH