I'm delighted to announce that I've been granted the incredible opportunity to join ICS Challenges Worldwide in Ghana for 12 weeks later this year. I've handed in my notice as head of marketing and am departing for Accra on the 25th September!
ICS (International Citizenship Service) high impact approach involves bringing people together to share skills, build capabilities, promote international understanding and action and change lives to make the world a fairer place for all. One of its core values is that finances should not limit the ambitions of young people to take part and as such the costs of the 12 week programme are covered by the Department for International Development (thanks Dave!). However in order to keep the project open-access and available to young Brits of all colour, creed and current account, all volunteers are asked to fundraise £800 to help support the next intake of volunteers - so here I am!
The 12 week programme I will join in Ghana connects people, development funders, businesses and investors within local emerging economies. I will work specifically with one SME from the Accra (or Kumasi) community and help the founders determine short- and longer-term business strategies to help secure additional funding and ensure the scale-up reaches the next stage of their business plan.
Crucial to my enthusiasm my Ghanaian Challenges Worldwide placement is ICS's commitment to support projects in a culturally sensitive and environmentally sustainable manner. Unlike much volunteer-tourism, ICS acknowledges that young people have a huge amount to learn from these programmes and appear to reject 'the neo-colonial saviour syndrome' at every stage. Instead, the purpose is to allocate part of the £12.2 billion foreign aid budget into locally crafted entrepreneurial projects whilst also equipping a young generation of 'global citizens' with valuable skills and an international outlook.
So amid my fundraising, a donation no matter how small or large would be greatly accepted and will be making a real difference.
Thank you for your support, apologies for the essay - I will keep you updated!