On 12th October 2021 our Mummy Mary had a massive stroke, so much so that she was only given 50% chance of survival. Mummy spent almost 3 weeks in the Royal Victoria Hospital Acute Stroke Ward/Critical Care, where she recieved life saving treatment (a thrombectomy) as well as surgery to repair injuries sustained during the stroke (fractured hip and wrist). Mummy then transferred to the Acute Stroke Ward in AAH where she recieved further care and treatment before moving onto Whiteabbey hospital for 10 weeks of intensive rehab. Mummy spent a total of 14weeks in hospital. During this time she received Critical care, assistance from Speech & Language therapists to develop her speech and swallow as well as intensive physiotherapy and occupational therapy to help Mummy to learn to walk again and strengthen up her left arm and left hand grip. This has been an extremely traumatic, life changing event for Mummy as well as for us as a family. Mummy is now home 4weeks today and trying to come to terms with the impact the stroke has had, particularly regarding her loss of independence. Mummy requires the assistance of two carers. Since Mummy's return home my two sisters and I have been caring for Mummy 24/7 & just this week Mummy recieved a package of care from the NHSCT. Unfortunately this care package does not meet all of Mummy's needs, therefore we will continue to provide Mummy with significant care throughout the day and night. We hope to avail of the services offered by NICHS association to aid us in our psychological recovery as well as avail of any support services they can offer to support Mummy in her recovery. I hope the money I raise will go a long way in supporting those directly affected by a stroke and for those who travel the journey of recovery with their loved ones ❤